**UPDATE 10/3/24** Happy October everyone! Some new quotes were added along with a new entry in "Fave movies/OVAs/tv specials!"



- 1 box of yellow cake mix (I recommend Duncan Hines)
- 1 tablespoon of matcha powder
- 1/2 cup of vegetable oil
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 1 cup of white chocolate chips + more for decorating (Don't have white chocolate chips? Cream cheese chips make an excellent substitute!)

Equipment **Optional**

- Thankfully for this recipe you don't need an electric mixer, but I do reccommend mixing it all together with a silicone spatula. From my experience I've found mixing together dense doughs by hand to be easier with one of these.

- While you can form these into a ball using your hands, I really recommend using a small ice cream scoop if you have one. This is my favorite tool for baking cookies as each ball of dough will be the same size. Clean up's easy too!

Making the cookies

- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

- Add cake mix and matcha powder to a large bowl, then the wet ingredients: the vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla extract.

- Mix together using a large spoon or a silicone spatula until it becomes a dough. This is a very dense dough, expect to put some muscle into it!

- After forming the dough, add the chips and mix together until well incorporated.

- Using either your hands or a ice cream scoop, form the cookies and place them on a baking sheet equipped with parchment paper.

- This is optional, but a nice way to use the rest of the chips, you can add the remainders to the top of the cookie. I recommend sticking the chips pointed side in, they'll stay into the dough better.

- Place them in the oven and let them bake for about 6 to 14 minutes, depending on the size of the cookies. Every oven is different -- I've noticed mine tends to bake fast. I recommend checking up on them before they reach the suggested baking time. You'll know they're done if you see a light brown color on the sides of the cookies.

- Let them cool off and enjoy!
