**UPDATE 10/3/24** Happy October everyone! Some new quotes were added along with a new entry in "Fave movies/OVAs/tv specials!"


"Huh? How did you guess all that about me?"

- Koichi's personal car is a brown 1973 Volkswagen Beetle. This headcanon comes from the opening of Mystery of Mamo, where he's depicted driving one on his way to the castle. This is kind of a self-indulgent headcanon as this is my favorite car of all time. I also like to think of it being his car because of Lupin's well-documented love for the Fiat 500, another similar small car. (I guess the beetle is the anti-fiat?)

- He's divorced. This is something that's kind of in canon limbo - it's been implied several times he might've been married once in the original Japanese audio/scripts, along with the English dubs as well. (Michael in the English dub for Goodbye Lady Liberty says his ex-wife divorced him because he worked too much). On the other hand, there are also a lot of episodes/movies (regardless of dub) where they state he's been too fixated on his career to devote himself to a serious relationship like a marriage. Regardless of its fluctuating status, I regard this as canon in my eyes. I don't know how to explain it, it just makes sense to me given his age and the era he's from. I've been wanting to write about it, but the inspiration hasn't really come yet.

- Koichi comes from a small family, being an only child with a father and mother. Keeping up the Zenigata legacy, his father was also in law enforcement and was well-respected by his peers, but never reached a similar status to Koichi had in his own career. He passed away when Koichi was a young man, around the time he was making his first steps into becoming a cop himself. His mother is still alive and is quite the spitfire despite her old age -- Koichi is fond of her and keeps in touch, with the two of them exchanging letters frequently. The latter half of this headcanon comes from the gag dub of part II, where Koichi was depicted as being a little bit of a mama's boy (no idea why, that dub gets wild!)

- Koichi's favorite flowers are morning glories. Outside his apartment in Tokyo Crisis, many of them are growing around his bedroom's window. Koichi has never expressed a lot of interest in plants canonically, but I love plants and flowers, so I wanted him to have a favorite too. (It's likely his sweet old landlady took care of them!)

- Koichi's favorite animals are pandas. He likes their colors and finds them interesting and fun to watch. There's a part II episode where he really wanted to see one, so that's why I figure they are his favorite.

- Koichi's love of Japanese history and historical dramas has been mentioned many times throughout the franchise (to the point of being almost a fanboy in regard to the former, it's adorable), but he also really likes silent films -- particularly comedies. He mentions Charlie Chaplin once in a part II episode and I figure he is a fan.

- Koichi's least favorite holiday is April Fools' Day. Why? Every day for him is April Fool's Day -- getting endlessly pranked and humiliated in some capacity by Lupin and his gang. The idea of a whole holiday celebrating such actions makes his blood run cold!

- Koichi's favorite game is Shogi, a board game that's been described as "Japanese chess". In his rare moments of downtime, he plays it to keep his mind active. He loves games that require strategy. This comes from the 1969 pilot film, where he's shown playing it in his introduction. I've tried playing with him before, but unfortunately (or fortunately for him), I'm an easy opponent!

- Koichi likes sweets, but doesn't eat them regularly. His favorite baked goods are cream puffs. There's a part II episode where he gives some cream puffs away as a present, so I believe he really loves them if he regards them as a good gift. His favorite type of cookie is oatmeal -- this headcanon comes from the time my Sims 4 version of him ate a whole plate of them over the course of a day!

- One last food headcanon: Koichi loves condiments/sauces and whenever he eats something that's usually paired with them, he puts a very generous serving on it. (Check out the amount of mustard he puts on his sandwich in Dead or Alive!)

- Koichi drinks both coffee and tea but for different reasons. He likes his coffee black (no cream, milk or sweetner) and mainly drinks it to keep his energy up -- he does like the bitter taste, though. Tea is his preference but he regards it as a treat, a drink to have during his rare moments of downtime or something to help him relax. His favorite tea is green tea, liking it for its, again, bitter flavor.

- There's been debate over Koichi's appearence in Part I and Castle of Cagliostro, where he's depicted with noticably darker skin. In my opinion, it's the result of a heavy tan. He's outside a lot because of his job, so it makes sense to me! I guess his fedora doesn't protect him from the sun that much...
