**UPDATE 10/3/24** Happy October everyone! Some new quotes were added along with a new entry in "Fave movies/OVAs/tv specials!"

..:PART III:..

Expose the Great Trap

- This is my favorite Part III episode, because Koichi is the star of it! Hehe, there's a lot of great moments in this one, such as...

- The opening, where Koichi is practicing throwing handcuffs at a dummy of Lupin. There's a lot of nice shots of him without his trenchcoat and suit jacket in this episode, I always go crazy when his sleeves are rolled up! It's such a good look for him!

- The scene where Koichi is forced to resign chokes me up every time. His voice is so soft and quiet when he's sad, I want to give him a hug here so bad... He looks so lost...

- How sad and bored with life he looks after his resignation... Luckily, encountering his enemy again is enough to put a spring in his step again! I know I already wrote this, but I want to comfort him so much! He's a good cop!

- His determination to figure out the whereabouts of the gold and solve the crime is so admirable, he's not giving up even when he's no longer working for the law!

- Okay, so, this is a really brief moment and more of an observation on the animation rather than Koichi. Look at his driving! No thanks Koichi, I'll just take a cab and meet you there...

- The scene where he's eating is super cute, I love how he refers himself as a 'samurai'.

- I love the progression of the plot in this episode, having Koichi as a the lead is such a unique choice. The scene where he's making the case for the ex-director's embezzlement is so good -- it almost feels like a court room drama!

- At the end of the episode, where he's doing the paperwork tied to the arrest, he's so happy filling everything out. That shows how much he loves his job, very few people love -- let alone like -- doing paperwork!

Telepathy is Love's Signal

- The ending of this episode is really cute, where Koichi is confused by how the bars of gold are flying. "Is this real life or just fantasy?"

Here Comes Lupin in a Tank

- In the opening of this episode, Koichi exclaims, "Whenever I chase Lupin, nothing good ever comes out of it!" I agree with that a little...

- Later, when he realizes Lupin's locked in the same cell that he is, the excited way he hops out of bed is really cute.

Clones Will Cost You

- While he's in the police van, his excitement about Lupin finally going to jail is endearing. I love his smile here!

- Later in that same scene, that cocky smile he thinks Lupin is trying to trick him.

- "This time, you'll be a cornered rat!" I love that confident grin and the way he's rubbing his chin.

- Koichi wearing the knight's armor when he believes the building is filled with a poisonous gas. I love how he placed his fedora on the helmet, and how his big eyes are still visible!

- I also love the way he's animated after he removed the armor and got out of the secret lab, so expressive and fun. I always love seeing him without his trenchcoat and suit coat!

A Treasure That Smells Like a Trap

- His frustration towards the plan to arrest Lupin, and how it requires him to be sneaky rather than setting up a trap. Patience isn't one of his virtues, but those expressions are adorable!

- Speaking of his impatience, I think this episode has one of his funniest moments. Eager to arrest Lupin as soon as he sees the thief, he gets all caught up in the moment, and then shoves Lupin to the side (making him fall down) as he tries to convince Wairō to arrest Lupin now. The suddenness of it caught me off guard the first time I watched it -- it's hilarious!

Musical Varation of Monkey Business

- I love the opening of this episode, where Koichi is trying all sorts of new traps to stop Lupin. He has kind of a Wile E. Coyote energy in this series!

- Later in the episode, you see him working on one of traps. I like how he's expressing his creativity in ways to arrest Lupin. Though, his pride in that machine doesn't last, as it causes more problems than anything else...

- Him starting a donation box to cover the costs in arresting Lupin. I know I wrote about this in the gallery, but I would happily donate!

Care to Play a Kidnapping Game?

- I love Koichi's disguise in the opening of this episode. It's such a different look for him! The outfit itself needs a little work (He reminds me of a One Piece character here for some reason) but the scruffy look and the fluffier hair looks amazing on him!

A Golden Apple Has Its Poison

- "Those fools, let left behind some good stuff!" Hehe, I love how he starts using Lupin's tools against him -- work smarter, not harder!

- How he laughs at Prince Adam when he believes Fujiko is going to be his wife. This does bring up a good question, how does no one ever recognize Fujiko and everyone recognizes Lupin? Hmm...

- I absolutely LOVE the scene where he fights with a sword. We've seen him many times fight with his jitte, a defensive weapon, but seeing him use one that's designed for offense is so cool!

- His amazement at Lupin riding a shark is pretty funny -- wait, he trained a shark?!

- Him talking to himself after staying up all night. I don't know why, I think he's so cute when he nods his head and lets out a quiet "hmm" afterwards.

Are You Really Getting Married?

- Him entering the building where Lupin and Fujiko are hiding the gold through the window.

- Then later in the same scene, how he 'teams-up' with the volley ball robot to help him arrest the two!

- I think it's so sweet how he seems surprisingly happy and supportive of Lupin and Fujiko getting married -- I think he believes them making a commitment will help the two live a honest life, but...

Farewell, Gold Legend

- I love his wonder when he's looking at the ancient finds.

- How he hops onto the hood of the police car to continue chasing Lupin. The animation there is so good!

Fire Doesn't Suit a Diamond

- When Koichi opens the door, and sees himself (it's Lupin in disguise) already in the room, his look of shock and confusion is so funny!

- I also really like how he's drawn when he finds the wiretrap that Lupin left. His eyes look especially cute and sweet there!

Operation Beirut Mobile Bank Heist

- Here's another moment I posted in the gallery. When the drinks get spilled on him, his hangdog expression is so cute! (I know, I know, I'm a sucker for his eyes)

- After his frustration at how the bank treated his concerns, I like how he reacts about the napkins that was handed to him. "Hey, these smell pretty nice. Guess that's normal for a posh bank..."

- I don't know why, but the scene where you see Lupin and him on one of the computer screens always makes me chuckle. He looks so hyped!

- The scene where he and Lupin believe (maybe more Koichi than him) that they're going to be executed by the laser is a nice moment. Despite the endless fights and frustrations, I love how the two care about each other, despite them both constantly being a thorn in each other's sides. However, Koichi is very justified for having a suspicious look throughout the scene. I also like how Koichi tries to argue with the laser!

Rest in Peace, My Friend

- I love the way he's drawn and animated in the opening of this episode. So commanding and strong, we even get to see him without his hat!

- The way he gets defensive when Lupin says that is trap is generic. Hey, I bet it is difficult coming up with so many of them!

We're No Angels

- I love how amazed/interested he is in the mirror that acts as a shield to the safe. It's so cute!

- Speaking of cute, his day dreams about being knighted is absolutely adorable!

- Him practicing how he throws his handcuffs/sneak attack skills on a punching doll Of Lupin's likeness is fun too. He reminds me so much of a dog here!

- The chase scene in this episode is great and is very underrated. I love how they animate Koichi hopping from car roof to car roof.

- The random scene where he slips and falls. I love how the officer in the back expresses concern for him, and then Koichi replies with, "Whatever. Ignore it." I honestly believe he's fallen so many times in this franchise he's no longer phased by it!

The Ghost of New York

- I absolutely LOVE the scene where he's dressed up as a clown. Why? I collect clown figures! Hehe, it's a dream of mine to get good at sculpting so I can make figure of him in that outfit.

Code Name is The Star of Alaska

- The head bandana he's wearing on the boat is another very different look for him, but he looks cute with it!

The Center of Alaska is a Ticket to Hell

- Okay, so I know in this scene it's Lupin disguised as Zenigata, but out of context I can pretend it's actually him (and I can imagine the real him doing this anyway), but look at this!

It even loops perfectly!

A Honeymoon to the Moon

- The scene where he's trying to guess the passcode at the castle door. I'm not sure why he thinks it's going to be food themed!

- This is such a silly episode, but there's this one moment that absolutely fascinates me. The scene where Lupin and Koichi are in the police van, where Koichi expresses sympathy to Lupin because of Fujiko's betrayal. The way he talks here, it heavily implies that a former love betrayed him, and what he's saying more of a projection of his own experiences rather than Lupin. What happened?! If you have ever checked out my headcanons page, you'll read that I have a headcanon that he's divorced. Maybe that's what he's vaguely talking about that here, and it really makes me sad. :( On a lighter note, I love how Koichi is being fatherly towards Lupin here, it's really sweet.

The Name of the Cocktail is Revenge

- I love the ending of this episode, where Koichi shows the evidence of Jack Metousa's crimes. The way he's drawn here makes me think of the original comics!

Reversal, Reversal, and Another Reversal

- Koichi wearing a traditional cop uniform. What can I say? He looks so good in it!

- Later, in that same scene, how Lupin handcuffs him to the cactus, and then in the next scene Koichi still has the cactus despite no longer being handcuffed to it. I guess he got attached to it!

The 10 Million Dollar Key

- This is a hard episode for me to watch because how sad Koichi gets in it... I feel so bad for him when he expresses his drunken frustrations about chasing Lupin. I wish I could give him a hug!

- Him, all alone in that tiny hotel, ugh -- I feel so bad for him! This is something I really wrestle with regarding the Part III series, sometimes I feel like the writers are being mean to him for no good reason. I even drew art of me comforting him in this scene. On a lighter note, him curled up in that pink blanket is funny. He looks like a worm!

- "Beloved Lupin, my ass!" I love how offended he gets at Lupin's taunts, and how he's able to energize himself again to try to arrest him again despite the cold. He did seem to really want that breakfast though... I've heard orange juice can be good to fight back a cold!

- This episode probably has the most outrageous ending regarding a Koichi-driven subplot, where he ends up befriending the American President at the time, Ronald Reagan! Hehe, after all the suffering he went through in this episode, I'm glad someone canonically cares about him!

Manhattan Crisis

- This is another one of those, "Let's be mean to Koichi for no reason" episodes, but I like the scene where he's considering seeing a movie. If he thinks five dollars is expensive there, he should see the prices now! Out of the two movies that theater is playing, I like to think he was going to see Tama Vs Godzilla!

The Target Beyond the Snowy Field

- Koichi trying to ski will never not be funny and relatable, as his experience was very similiar to the time I tried to ice skate. While I don't approve of Lupin's taunts while Koichi's strugging, the former's reaction when he falls makes me laugh every time.

"Oh no, he fell..."

- Later, the way he hops back into frame when his plan is revealed.

When the Eagle Descends

- I used this moment for the gif at the top of this page, but the way his hat raises and then falls back onto him in the beginning of the episode is so cute!

- Near the end of the episode, how he disguises himself as the statue to arrest Lupin! He looks so funny in that dress!

Pops Rages with Anger

- This is yet another "let's be mean to Koichi" episode, and feels like a pale imitation of the Part II episode The Woman Pops Fell in Love With, but ultimately I do like this episode because it shows his sweet and protective side. I just don't like seeing him get decieved and hurt like this!

- When he first meets Ann, he throws his handcuffs at her thinking that she was trying to steal his wallet, but after he realizes that wasn't the case -- the way he removes the handcuffs and then gently pats her hands is so sweet!

- The way he starts out so heroic, boasting about his abilities as a cop and how he's the only person that could arrest Lupin, to super shy and flustered after she compliments him. Absolutely adorable!

- One element I would genuinely praise this episode for, is the interactions between Koichi and Goemon throughout it. These two rarely interact, and it feels like a special treat getting a feel for their dynamic. Both of them bring out their intense sides, but they're also really funny together too!

Letizia Who Loved Me

- Koichi camping out near the prison, all happy with his collection of instant ramens... I wish I could make him some good food!

- I love how a dolphin also falls in love with him too at the end of this episode, but it makes me wonder how that situation ended...

Give the Gold to My Rival

- In the opening of the episode, the way he turns around with a big grin. It's so cute!

- Despite being intoxicated by the sleeping gas, I love how he's still able to defend himself by biting and throwing the man that attacked him!

- The scene where Koichi is trying to get more info about the knife through a scientist, while the scientist is actually Lupin in disguise, is a very fun scene. Then Jigen emerges from the locker, and how he and Lupin are desperately trying to keep him obscured -- I love the suspicious look that Koichi gives them! The end of the scene is very cute too, I love how Koichi tips his hat!

- How he gets drunk, which makes him end up with a bad cold and staying at the hospital... Koichi, you need to stop doing that! Aagh, the ending moments of this episode is yet another where I wish I could comfort him, but at least Lupin extends an olive branch to him.

Lottery Ticket Mayhem

- It's funny/cute how Koichi falls into the mania about the lottery, and how he plans to eat better with the money he (might) win. Lupin really gives him a hard time when he's disguised as a reporter, shaming him into donating all of his hypothetical money -- which, he should donate a little in my opinion, but at least let him live it up for a moment!

- I know I wrote about this in the gallery, but I'm going to talk about it here too! The scene where he tries to buy the lottery ticket is funny to me, not because of Koichi, but because of the orange cat one of the animators added in the background. I love when you first see it, they're off to the corner, but the next time you see a full body shot of Koichi the cat is standing next to him. He made a friend!

- I love his look of suspicion at the disguised Mr. Luckino.

- I love his optimism about winning the lottery. "Even a humble policeman has dreams!"

Farewell, Cinderella

- The scene where he's closing the museum, he looks so excited and eager to get back to work!

- Him asking about the royal safe -- his eyes are so big and cute there!

- The way he tests out the laser security system.

Our Daddy's a Thief

- I love the moment where he's listening in to Lupin and Fujiko's phone call, and how he's in a more casual look. So handsome!

- The scene where he learns about Lupin's "kids" makes me awfully sad, where he tearfully talks about how he wished he had a loving family. But, hehe, he doesn't have to worry about that now, does he? <3

My Scrap Metal Wings

- I love how he emerges out of the box holding the hina dolls so protectively. I wonder if he'd do the same with my clown figures...

- The way he pretends to be a ghost as the submarine is lifting him up. Lupin and his gang deserved that prank!

The Day Pops was Adopted

- This is a really weird episode, but luckily, it has a lot of really cute moments! In the opening of the episode, where Koichi's car breaks down, I love how excited he is to see another car pass by. He looks so friendly!

- The way he salutes and then walks away after his meeting with Madame Tequila, again looking super excited and cute!

- The scene where he day dreams about having the life of luxury -- so adorable! He looks so handsome with that tuxedo.

Destroy Ivanov, the Atomic Submarine

- You all know what scene I'm going to mention here. Of course it's the scene of him on the wind boat! What can I say? There aren't a lot of fanservice moments of him, so I'll take what I can get!

That's a wrap on Part III!
