**UPDATE 9/29/24** A new image was added to the gallery!

..:PART II:..

The Return of Lupin III

- In the five years since Part I, poor Koichi was stationed in a small village out in the country... He was so bored! At least he tried to keep himself entertained... I personally love the country, but he's too much of a city boy!

- Him riding on the giant turtle at the end of the episode is really cute.

Wads of Bills Blossomed in the Sunset of Rio

- This is a rare episode where Koichi doesn't wear his trenchcoat. I've always been fond of seeing him without the coat or his suit jacket, but the poor thing, he looks so overheated in every scene!

- He's so excited when Lupin and his gang are in jail, but also adorably sensitive about his age... "That's none of your business!"

- I understand why the Rio police chief is trying to help Koichi relax and have some fun during his visit, but look at the poor man! That heat is getting to him!

- "Lupin must have done it!" Him hoping up and down is always a cute sight. They drew his legs really skinny in the beginning of Part II!

I Can Hear Nessie's Singing

- Koichi's excitement when he believes that he has trapped Lupin and Jigen in the airplane, only for him to panic after seeing that they didn't leave the plane. Something I love about older animation is how they cut corners when drawing characters that are off in the distance. When Koichi begins to fret, his face is made up of two big eyes and an even larger mouth. It's adorable!

- Shortly after that, when he catches up with Lupin and Jigen and handcuffs them is another memorable moment. He's so excited when he thinks he won, where he even gets emotional!

Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Be Standing?

- To continue with the theme of 'Koichi riding on random aquatic animals', the scene with him and the dolphin is so cute. He's so sweet to the creature as well! 'I can't play with you right now!'

- I really love the ending of this episode. Koichi looks so awkward but proud when he's receiving the Letter of Appreciation. I agree with Lupin here -- seeing him so still and unsure is an unusual sight! This episode ends on a silly and cute note too, where his sneeze 'fixes' the tower of Pisa. Poor baby, after all that time in the water, he probably got a cold...

Venetian Super Express

- This is one of my favorite Part II episodes. It's one where nearly every moment Koichi is in is absolutely adorable!

- The way he enters the room where Lupin and his gang were hiding out in. He's so take charge!

- When the disguised Lupin enters the train compartment that Koichi is staying in, he's so friendly -- though it would've been a different story if he knew that was Lupin...

- He's also really sweet to Fujiko in this episode -- though yet again, his attitude would have been different if he knew who the mystery woman really was! Regardless, he's so gentlemanly towards her and it makes me smile.

- The scene where he's investgating where Lupin is hiding, there's a moment where an unseen woman gives him a bunch of kisses. I have a reoccuring joke that I am 100% canon in the Lupin universe, but you never see me! Doesn't this totally look like something I'd do?

Would You Like Ukiyo-e Blues?

- I believe this is the first time in the animated world where Koichi does that trick with his hat, where he makes the ends of its brim wiggle. How does he do that? I have no idea...

A Gift for the President

- It's not Christmas until you watch one of the holiday Part II episodes! Hehe, this is my favorite of the two of them, it's more focused on Koichi. It's also one of the rare times Koichi wins in the end! (Well, as most as the writers will let him, Lupin nabbed the bad wine!)

- "I can't indulge in luxury at the government's expense." Aw, poor Koichi... Don't worry, I'll make you some nicer food soon. I do wonder how fresh that bread was, it shattered that car's window!

- Koichi's excitement at being allowed to work with the French police is really cute, despite the Chief constantly getting his name wrong. Does 'Zenigame' sound familiar to you? It's an old-fashioned name for a turtle, but it's also Squirtle's Japanese name!

- Koichi's reaction to the chaos Lupin and his gang created at the wine cellar, making all the police drunk, is funny. I can't blame him for giving up and starting to drink there! But...

- It wasn't the best idea. The next scene, he was a water balloon over his head to ease the headache. He looks so exhausted here...

- While he didn't do a great thing in this episode, not telling the President that the wine was swapped, I understand his reluctance. At the end of the day, it actually turned out for the better -- the cheap wine ended up being better than the rare one!

- The moment where he's being interviewed about why Lupin stole the box of dolls is really sweet. He goes from, "I have no idea why he would do that", to, "How dare he do that! Think of the kids!" Hehe, once the dolls are returned, I like to think he donated them in person!

The Great Chase in San Francisco

- I feel really bad for Koichi in this episode... I've had an on and off again battle with depression for a very long time, so seeing him wrestle with it too really tugs at my heartstrings.

- Aw, him being lulled to sleep by an enka broadcast is very sweet. I love the rare moments where we see him sleep, he looks so cute and peaceful.

- Him singing his woes away with his psychiatrist is cute. Later in the episode he does it again, singing "I'm not afraid. Dum-dee-dum". I'm a big believer in affirmations and I have a screenshot of this moment saved, it encourages me!

Big Adventure of the Caribbean Sea

- I really love the way he's animated when he's calculating the potential price of being sued.

Renowned Detectives in the Sky

- His introduction in this episode is super cute, where he's happily polishing his handcuffs and shows off the final product with such a winning smile!

- Later, after boarding the blimp, Koichi's partcipating in some toe nail care. It's nice to see him indulge in some kind of self-care. I like painting/caring for my finger nails, maybe I can give him some advice...

- I like the subtle way his nose twitches when looking for the Dracula's Tear.

- The way he plops himself onto the couch and how the fabric bounces him a little.

- In the footage from the video tape, he's scrambling around in the dark room. I love how at the end he's staring directly at the camera!

Target the Oil Dollars

- The way he eats that lemon during the chase scene. I love lemons too, but ouch, that would've stopped me dead in my tracks rather than rejuvenating me!

Can the 10-Year Vault Be Broken?

- "Ah, it's so nice being back in Japan!" I love the opening of this episode regarding Koichi, it has some nice 'slice of life' moments featuring him, like the train ride for an example. It's nice seeing him calm and contemplative, though that doesn't last long!

Cornered Lupin

- The opening of this episode, where he's crammed in the back of the truck, he looks so grumpy and cute!

- His reaction to General Hess' taunting, with him getting all tongue tied! Then, later, when the general says their plans are to kill Lupin, I love how Koichi jumps back into action stating that the thief's trial should come first. I love how law abiding he is in even the face of danger (both regarding the corrupted general and his archnemesis).

- That cocky grin he gets before Fujiko knocks him out -- I love the animation here, you can so tell that Koichi was about to spring some kind of attack on him. An additional note, I love that smile!

Goemon's Revenge

- The scene where Koichi disguises himself as an unassuming merchant to arrest Lupin is so funny! I love how comedically persistant he is, with him interupting the gang's conversation -- the dry way Lupin says "shut up" as he's trying to get a word in never fails to make me laugh. As always, the plan doesn't work and he gets handcuffed on the railing of the boat. Sometimes when I watch these older, goofier episodes, I think to myself, "Imagine also being at this restuarant and you see this happening from the view from your table..." Hey, that's why fanfiction exists!

- "Like a moth to a flame..." I know everyone -- in-universe, writers, and fans -- both praise and tease Koichi's knowledge about Lupin, but let's be real here, he knows all of them incredibly well! He gets another cocky grin here when he sees Goemon approaching because of Jinkuro, taking pride in his accuracy.

- Later, after Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon's surprise appearence, the conversation he was with Jinkuro himself. He's a little testy here -- and for good reason in my opinion, considering what happened -- but still has the utmost faith in his abilities to protect Jinkuro. The moment where his protectee voices his concerns about Koichi, I love the 'slow burn' reaction the Inspector has here. He mishears him at first, taking his words as praise, then he realizes they were a thinly disguised insult! Before the realization, the way he nods his head is so cute.
