**UPDATE 10/3/24** Happy October everyone! Some new quotes were added along with a new entry in "Fave movies/OVAs/tv specials!"

..:PART I:..


Is Lupin Burnin?!

- Similar to Castle of Cagliostro, the entirety of "Part I" has sentimental appeal for me because it was the first Lupin series I ever watched. While Cagliostro sparked the flame, this series is what intensified it! Watching the first episode always makes me feel nostalgic. It's also fun watching this series to watch Koichi become the character we all know today. I really thank Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata for giving him the screen time he deserves!

- I like Koichi's driving outfit. This is a silly comment, but I think his helmet compliments the shape of his face and brings out his chin.

- His shocked expression after witnessing all the chaos Lupin caused at the end of the race is really cute!

- Him swinging his handcuffs around as he confirms that he has teamed up with Fujiko. I love it whenever he does that!

- Him dragging the broken car thinking it's Lupin, and then the realization... His arms were probably so sore after that!

One Chance to Breakout

- This is a very complex episode, and in my opinion, one of the best that Part I have to offer. It's an interesting character study for Koichi, with him realizing he's against executions despite it being required by the law. There are a lot of great moments in it and I love how it depicts him and Lupin's complicated, father and son-like friendnemy status. Despite his stubborn and often hot-headed nature, Koichi is a very dear man underneath it all, and wants Lupin to reform, but does not want him to give up his life.

- The way he grins and nods when he says, "Yup!"

- The grumpy, confused way he examines the guard when Lupin claims the guard is actually him. The head tilt is particularly cute.

- Koichi feeling conflicted about Lupin's upcoming execution. He really needs someone to talk to here...

- Him eating ramen!! It's the first time he has eaten his favorite food in the animated world!

- That moment when Koichi finally figures out Lupin's plan. I love how he's equally frustrated that Lupin escaped and also relieved that he's not going to die. I hope the guard Lupin replaced himself with is okay though...

The All Together Playing-Card Operation

- That angry squint he gave Mr. Gold. If maybe he had listened to Koichi the night would've played out differently...

- Him falling into the cake! He also looks super cute when he finds the tape player in it too.

- I also really like the moment where he picks up the phone. I know that's silly, but I like seeing the rare moments of him where he's in a casual situation. He looks so excited to be back on the job afterward!

- Koichi stepping out of the police car, looking all tough with his cigarette. It's amazing how calm he is, especially after the car lost control before he got out... I would've been rattled!

- Hehe, he looks so grumpily cute when "Mr. Gold" is pushing him around. Don't feel bad Koichi, his smugness would've bugged me too!

When the Seventh Bridge Falls

- His shocked face when the bridge explodes in the opening. You can tell it caught him off guard!

- "No, we haven't located the truck yet." He's so overworked here, but he's giving it his best!

- The way he leaps out of the police car after it drives hazardously on the dock. He's such a man of action!

- I really like the ending of this episode -- I have a theory it inspired the ending of Castle of Cagliostro!

Beware the Time Machine

- I love how he runs out with his gun when he hears the glass shattering.

- Him getting mad when he believes Lupin didn't show up is really adorable -- he's acting more like a little kid whose friend changed plans rather than a tough police Inspector here.

The Emerald's Secret

- This is a very sentimental episode for me because this was the one that made me realize that I loved Koichi all those years ago. It's my favorite Part I episode -- He is absolutely cute as a button here!

- I love how confident he is at the beginning of this episode -- he really cares about the well-being of all the party goers.

- Every moment with him and Catherine is really cute. He's baffled (and a little frustrated) with her own confidence -- believing Lupin won't be able to steal the emerald -- but his little crush on her makes him all the more protective of the jewel.

- Him checking the cake. While he was right to make sure it was safe, there's a part of me that believes he just wanted to try a sample of it before everyone else...

- His expression after 'Margret' calls him out for entering Catherine's dressing room without permission. He looks so sweet there!

- The scene where 'Margret' toys with him. He's so excited about each response, unaware she's actually Fujiko, which leads to...

- My favorite Koichi moment in the entirety of Part I -- the scene where he dances with 'Margret'! I love how he starts out so shy, but then he finds his groove and has a lot of fun. Then when 'Margret' suggests he should dance with Catherine, he gets all bashful again and has such an adorable blush. He's quite the good dancer with Catherine, too!

Let's Catch Lupin and Go to Europe

- First time seeing him without his classic fedora in the animated world! He looks so handsome there!

- I like how he taunts the gang with the photo Fujiko snapped of him, where he's sticking his tongue out. It's fun seeing his mischievous side!

- The scene where he's trying to predict an arrest by picking the petals of a flower is really cute too.

- That toothy grin he gives Lupin when he traps him, and that giggle fit he has afterward! He's one happy Inspector!

- That walk of pride he does in the police station after he arrests Lupin. It's nice seeing him so happy and not angry.

- Him crying tears of joy after getting a thank you from the prime minister! It's so sweet!

- Him being all awkward on the plane is really cute too. You can tell he's really excited about his vacation! I've never been on a plane before, but I have been on a train, and that kind of travel can be kind of nerve-wrecking before you get used to it...

Operation Jewel Snatch

- His determination to stop Lupin, only for his attempt to end with him getting all tangled up in a rope... I also love that meta comment at the end, "I'll catch you next week!"

Keep an Eye On The Beauty Contest

- I like the moment where he's watching the contest, it's nice to see him in a relaxed state.

- The way he hangs his head after confessing Goemon got away is really cute, but the confession then fires him up to continue!

- I love how protective he is of the contestants of the beauty contest!

- He looks absolutely adorable when he figures out what Lupin did. "I get it!"

Which of the Third Generation Will Win!

- I like seeing him at home, happily eating his breakfast!

- I love how grumpily stern he is when Inspector Ganimard shakes his hand. He's not too fond of competition...

- That adorable leap he does when the truck crashes. "I got him!"

-I also like how he commands his army of officers to retreat shortly after their truck crashes. So commanding!

- There's another cute leap in this episode. "I beat Inspector Ganimard!"

- I don't know why, I think his response to Jigen's answer is hilarious. He looks so distraught when he says "Beans?" It's my favorite out of context screenshot of him.

- The next scene, where Inspector Ganimard teases him for not being able to arrest Lupin and his gang, he looks really cute there - that "grumpy" cute that I always write about.

Catch the Phony Lupin!

- That hangdog frown he has after the older woman says that Lupin's been making fools of the police - I want to give him a hug there! That hurt his feelings!

The First Move Wins Computer Operation!

- This is a great episode and is one that's much more relevant today than it was back in 1972. I agree with Koichi, you shouldn't rely solely on computers! There are so many ways to solve a problem, it's not the only way!

- The way Koichi looks when the Commissioner is yelling at him. He has that super cute, hangdog expression again.

- Then, later in the episode, when the Commissioner tells him to do nothing, he looks so disappointed. "Yeah..."

- Him resisting to arrest Lupin when he's disguised as the FBI agent. It's okay Koichi, you'll get your chance soon!

The Great Gold Showdown!

- He looks so cute and happy with his tea in the opening of the episode. Quick headcanon: I like to think that mug belongs to my self-insert, and he's borrowing it. It's more my style than his! I love cute mugs.

- His excitement after discovering Lupin's hideout is really endearing. "Woo-hoo!"

- Him eating his lunch! I swear, the only time he isn't angry in Part I is when he's eating...

- The ending of this episode reminds me a lot of the opening of Fuma Conspiracy **Spoiler Warning** where Lupin fakes his death -- I like to think Fuma takes place shortly after Part I. There goes Koichi, swimming after the gang... That's a wrap on Part I!
