**UPDATE 10/3/24** Happy October everyone! Some new quotes were added along with a new entry in "Fave movies/OVAs/tv specials!"

..:Favorite Moments - Movies/OVAs/Specials:..

Mystery of Mamo

- I talked about this in my headcanons page, but I have a special fondness for the opening of this movie because of the car Koichi drives. It's a vintage Volkswagen bug! It really makes me smile that he drove one canonically once.

- Now to tease the opening of this movie, it is wild. There's never been a proper explaination of why Lupin hid and disguised himself as a vampire, other then the animators probably thought it would look cool. I love how Koichi seemingly did some research on the proper way to get rid of a vampire, and the assumption that he had a hunch Lupin was going to do something like this! Hmm... A vampire hunting AU would make a cool fanfiction...

- That shot of him firing his gun before the title card comes onto screen. He looks so intense, and legitmately scary! This depiction of Koichi is really interesting, as he has some of his lovable goofiness he was known for in Part II, but also the intensity of his original manga self. This moment definetly favors the latter!

- Hoo, boy... Time for a serious fangirl moment! He looks so, so, so appealing in that short sleeve, button up shirt. What can I say? Koichi is not a character known for his fanservice, so I'll take what I can get!

- That face he makes when the computer's alarm goes off. I swear he looks like a frog there!

- Him falling into the hole (which is the gif at the opening of this page, I swear it's hypnotic to watch) and then the hissy fit that follows after it. Play the right music and you can imagine him dancing instead!

- Okay so, this moment is more of a Lupin and Jigen moment rather than a Koichi one, but I love how the two start arguing about his blood type. In Japan, blood types are kind of like zodiac signs, and can provide info about a person's personality type. Personally, I agree with Jigen that he's a type O -- A confident workaholic? That sounds like Koichi to me!

- His initial excitement at the truck is so cute. Something I love about his depiction in this movie is that he mistakingly thinks everyone is on his side, and not their own. I love that optimism!

- The scene where Koichi appears on Mamo's screen. He's casually interviewing, who I believe to be, a clone of Confucius and doesn't seem to notice anything unusual about the situation he's in. He has his eyes completely on the prize!

- During the attack on Mamo's island, Koichi's continued cluelessness about the situation and his upmost optimism in the police is absolutely adorable. The scene where he accidentally hops into the wrong boat is endearing as well.

- Now, for the sad moments. I feel so bad for him when he finally gets back to land. He looks absolutely devastated -- both physically and emotionally! It only gets worst when the commissioner tells him he's off of the Lupin case. I give a lot of props to Goro Naya here, as his voice acting is absolutely amazing in these moments and I get teared up everytime I see poor Koichi get emotional. Luckily, he's not too distraught for long -- I'm convinced that his stubbornness can override any other emotion!

- At the end of the movie, where Koichi and Lupin are handcuffed to each other and have to work together to escape the onslaught of missles coming their way. I love their brief exchange about Fujiko before it though, there's something about Koichi's response that feels very fatherly to me, like he was trying to make Lupin feel better. But hey, I would never act like Fujiko!

The Castle of Cagliostro

- This isn't so much of a favorite moment per se, but the entirety of Cagliostro is a very nostalgic watch for me because it was my introduction to the world of Lupin III and most importantly, Koichi! The scene where he's introduced always puts a smile on my face. On a different note, this movie has one of my all-time favorite designs for him. Every scene he's in he looks so handsome -- be still my heart!

- That subtle change in expression Koichi gives to the Count after he dismisses Koichi's concerns about Lupin. You can tell from the very beginning that he doesn't trust him!

- I really like the entirety of the scene where Koichi suspects something strange's going on after the brief, slowed change of movement in the windmill. It shows his attentiveness as a law enforcer, while also keeping the comedic side to his role for the series. Lupin's perspective, where the water leaving the fountain warps Koichi's face, is so funny!

- While I dislike the Count, I have a special dislike for Captain Gustav. He's a bigot and the way he insults Koichi after asking why he and his team aren't needed never fails to rile me up while watching that scene. You can tell that Koichi's hurt by his words, but he tries to be professional. I really want to give him a big hug here...

- Koichi's shock at learning that the fabled "gothic bills" are real is such a great scene. I love how he's 100% motivated to get to the bottom of the problem and to prevent its continuation. The moment where he and Lupin make a truce is cute too. Lupin's actually being pretty nice for once, but I don't blame Koichi for not wanting to shake his hand! He looks so adorably stubborn there.

- Koichi fighting off the Count's private army while he and Lupin are approaching the gyroplane. I love seeing him fight, and he's so take-charge in those moments, too!

- This is kind of a weird one, but the scene where Lupin signals to Fujiko and Clarisse that he's moving the plane upwards, I think Koichi looks so cute. All he does is blink! There's something about the way he's drawn there where he makes me think of a cat. I have no idea why!

- The scene where he confronts Interpol about his discovery of the gothic bills is a frustrating watch. Koichi is doing the right thing (and I have immense respect for him in those moments), but the politics and money surrounding the bills make Interpol do nothing. When he's returning to his temporary office, he looks so defeated. I wish I could give him a speech at that moment to encourage him.

- I also really like the moment where Fujiko calls him and gives him a "workaround" idea about the gothic bills. After such a depressing scene, it's great to see him energized about his job again!

- Oh my gosh, the scene where Koichi's showing off the gothic bills on live TV is one of his most endearing moments ever! He's so excited being able to call attention to this very serious issue, but his attempts at acting "surprised" by the discovery is so cute. I love the man to death, but acting really isn't his forte!

- His last scene in the movie is great too. I love how he says goodbye to Clarisse -- I really wish they had more scenes together outside that one moment.

The Legend of the Gold of Babylon

- This is my least favorite theatrical Lupin production from the 20th century -- the story is underdeveloped and the truly terrible way they draw black characters in this makes it an uncomfortable watch -- but, there are some cute Koichi moments in this. I find his redesign in this movie to be interesting, as he has the same model as he does in Part III, but changed the color of his suit to be more conservative. (The loud pinks and blues were swapped for browns and reds) While this is more in character, I have to admit, I do kind of miss the loudness of his original Part III design!

- The opening of the movie, where Koichi arrives in a wrapped box to surprise Lupin, is really fun. I wonder who wrapped up the 'present', though?

- Koichi's reaction to Lupin's taunts in his interview. There's so much chaos in such a small moment!

I've played a few online, competitive games -- this moment captures the feeling of when the same player has beaten you five times in a row!

- The Miss ICPO Beauty Contest is probably the most outrageous Koichi subplot to date, especially regarding the cinema side of the franchise. I love how he's trying his best to keep up with the women, and he looks so so handsome and cute in that white tuxedo! The idea of them becoming his team to arrest Lupin is a fun idea too.

- Later, when the truck breaks down. I've written about this many times, but I love seeing him in his suit shirt with his sleeves rolled up. I do feel bad for him though with how much his team actively dislikes him... Hehe, I'd love to go on an adventure with him!
